D H Lawrence

D H Lawrence

Lawrence is a remarkable example of of someone from a limited background making good. Lawrence was born in Eastwood, Nottinghamshire. His father was a coalminer and his mother a schoolteacher. His considerable talents got him into nearby Nottingham University College. After a turbulent but ultimately successful career which included taking up painting, he died of tuberculosis when he was forty-five. Not only did Lawrence succeed as a writer but he succeeded spectacularly and contributed greatly to the development of the novel as a powerful influence on society. The film by Malcolm Hossick covers his fascinating life and the background to his many novels. AM038DV04 LAWRENCE 2004 35'46

D H Lawrence
  • D H Lawrence

    Lawrence was born into the family of a coal miner in 1885. His remarkable achievement in becoming one of the most successful novelists of his day is explored in this film by Malcolm Hossick. Not only did he make it as a writer but in his honesty and open mindedness he had a huge effect on the way...